"Reduce before you produce"

Energy Efficiency Audit

Energy efficiency audit 

Renewable Energy Matters conduct expert energy efficiency audits on behalf of companies and homeowners across the UK. 

Are you looking for ways to make your business more energy efficient, reducing energy bills and your commercial carbon footprint in a single stroke? 

If so, an energy efficiency audit could be the perfect choice, assessing current energy usage in the property and identifying any opportunities to reduce energy wastage and save you money.

All our energy efficiency audits are conducted by a fully qualified energy auditor, and will involve a comprehensive examination of energy use, the energy supply chain, the equipment used to generate and transfer energy, and the efficiency of certain practices.

What is involved in an Energy Audit? 

Commercial energy audits are designed to help businesses save energy, and save money, by optimising their systems and taking certain energy saving measures. 

You can conduct your own energy audit, working out how much energy you are currently consuming, how much a property of your size with similar operations should be consuming, and attempting to improve energy efficiency by changing suppliers or changing your practices.

To truly optimise your practices, however, a professional business energy audit is required by a qualified energy auditor.

This will include an in-depth analysis of your business, from the current energy consumption to how the building is insulated, air-flow around the property, and how systems such as gas and water are currently being managed.

Following this review, an extensive energy audit report will be delivered detailing all our findings, along with an extensive list of recommendations for how to improve energy performance on the premises.

Following these recommended actions and educating your staff on best practice will likely result in you consuming a substantial amount less energy in the future, saving you a significant amount on your energy bills, and becoming a more sustainable future-ready business.

Our Energy Audit Process

When you arrange an Energy Efficiency Audit with Renewable Energy Matters, we will not only provide you with a report detailing the steps you should take to improve efficiency on site, but fully explain, in person, the rationale behind our recommendations.

On the day of your audit, one of our expert team will attend your site and walk around the premises with you or a member of your maintenance team.

During this visit they will ask questions about your operations and examine each part of your site to identify anywhere in which even the smallest amount of energy could be saved.

By having a member of your staff by their side, our auditor will be able to ensure that nothing is overlooked, and you will be able to better understand how we draw our conclusions.

We may decide with you to conduct an audit during the working day to allow us to identify any changes to working practices that could be made that would improve energy efficiency without negatively impacting the productivity of the site.

We feel this is a far more effective way of conducting our audits than a solo examination of an empty site and so far the feedback from our valued customers suggests that they feel exactly the same.

Why get an energy audit?

Energy management is critical to the success of any business and an energy audit is the best way to ensure that your energy management is the best it can possibly be.

Energy audits…

Save you money

Business is about making and saving money first and foremost, and a commercial energy audit will help you do both.

Energy audits will help you identify potential cost saving measures and where energy is being used inefficiently.

Following the changes recommended can significantly reduce your ongoing costs. These changes may be in reference to how appliances are being used, but may also involve the installation of some energy saving technologies such as LED or motion activated lighting.

Help you plan for the future

Energy audits not only help you make immediate changes to reduce your energy consumption but can also be used to formulate a long-term sustainability strategy.

The data produced by an energy audit will be invaluable when making decisions for the future, allowing you to make more accurate projections and plan to meet your sustainability goals months or years down the line.

Impress Customers

More and more consumers are putting sustainability right at the top of their priority list when choosing where they source their goods and services.

An energy audit or Energy Performance Certificate will indicate to your customers that you are serious about sustainability and reducing your carbon emissions, a key selling point when pitching for new business.

What does an energy efficiency audit involve? 

Commercial energy audits, conducted by our expert surveyors, follow a set process analysing all aspects of your business’s energy usage. 

The first step in the audit involves a walkthrough of your premises where the auditor will note any appliances, lighting, or insulation that they believe to be inadequate in terms of energy efficiency.

Both the heating and cooling systems of the property will be analysed.

They will also conduct checks on windows, doors, and anywhere else where heat could escape, resulting in your heating system working harder and for longer than is typically required for a property of your size.

Other tests that the auditor may decide to carry out include: 

  • Thermographic scans
  • Surface temperature checks
  • Blower door testing 
  • And more…

Once testing is complete you will receive your report detailing energy efficiency audit recommended actions that, if taken, will lead to much lower energy bills in the future.

Home energy assessments 

It is not only businesses who can benefit from an energy audit. A home energy audit can help domestic property owners to slash their carbon emissions, find more energy efficient products, and adapt their behaviour to reduce their energy spend. 

By far the best way to make sure that all the most important changes are made is to have a professional auditor conduct your audit but a DIY energy audit is not a bad idea either.

You can easily do a quick walkthrough of your own home, taking a note of anything that you think might be wasting energy or leaking heat and taking action to counter this.

Some of the things to look out for include unwanted air leaks, the condition and quality of insulation, the age of your heating system and details of its last service, and any appliances that are left running unnecessarily.

These are responsible checks for any homeowner to make but if you are serious about optimising your home’s energy use and minimising your energy bills, a professional audit is required.


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    How often should you get an energy audit? 

    A single energy audit will save you money and can be used for years to come to plan and ensure best practice on your property. 

    That said, the energy climate is constantly changing and new technologies are constantly being produced that may be effective in further reducing how much energy you use.

    For this reason, it is recommended that businesses have an energy audit carried out every 2-5 years to keep on top of their energy requirements.

    Get in Touch 

    For more information on energy audits or to arrange for an auditor to visit your property at a time that suits you, get in touch with Renewable Energy Matters today on 02037008442.